Helping Thousands of Companies   Creating Millions in Value



Meicor Meicor provides a full range of business and management consulting services. We focus on taking a strategic approach to our clients’ needs in every project we are involved in. Our Outlook allows our clients to maximize: customers, segments, products, production, revenue, profits, geography and products value and profitability.
Together with you, we optimize your processes, enable you to achieve your business goals, and help you become more competitive and profitable.

Process Improvement

Meicor helps you leverage processes as a strategic differentiator to meet competitive challenges.

Our approach will help you focus on continuous process improvement and
business process management.

Our Services Include:
Process Assessment and Value Targeting. Business Process Improvement Sourcing and Procurement/Supply Chain Operations.


To create an effective strategy you must have the ability to put everything you have together and devise a cohesive plan that will get the job done.

The components of your strategy include: 
A Clearly detailed vision with the ability to anticipate what lies ahead.

 Big goals that maximize your objectives.

A cohesive plan that will get you where you want to go.

Excellent tactics which utilize the tools and resources we provide.

Transform and Grow

We help you gain competitive advantage through a transformative culture of agility and innovation.  

Nimble strategies are essential in today’s business environment.  Technology is creating new opportunities and new markets while eroding barriers to entry in existing markets.  

Adept companies must innovate. 

We help companies innovate with:  New Products, New Approaches, and new models to provide more client value more efficiently.

Meicor delivers consulting services in a variety of different ways including deliverable-based projects, teaming arrangements and role-based engagements.

Regardless of the consulting approach used, we will assemble highly qualified team members that possess the appropriate skills (technical or functional) and corresponding industry expertise to ensure successful delivery on all initiatives.


Well-balanced, thoroughly supported and credible valuation services are the cornerstone of this practice area.   We provide sound business judgment, information gathering expertise and the analytical skills necessary to approach valuation engagements in nearly every industry for companies of all types.  

Every  business is unique in its particular market and competitive environment; the experience of management, its national or regional economic influences, and its financial history. These internal and external factors greatly affect the value of companies, often making the valuation process complex and involved.

Technology Consulting

Having a long history in Technology we are positioned to practical and strategic advise.  We creates technology solutions which are planned, built and delivered to solve the problem the first time.

Without question the impact of technology on business strategy continues to increase. Meicor’s technology practices help take the worry out of planning, developing, sustaining and keeping up with new and innovative technologies.

We consult and advise on: Cloud Platforms, Custom Development
Data and Analytics, IT Strategy, Mobile App Development

M&A and Acquisition Integration

Buying, Selling or Merging, we will evaluate the strategic benefits, terms, and targets to maximize the long term value of the transaction and minimize your exposure.

Post transaction services:  We will evaluate the intended benefits then create the strategic plan and timeline to integrate and realize the intended benefits.   

Human capital, technology, accounting, supply chain, operations, and resource management are strategically considered closely in our planning.

Worlds of innovation

We are at a crossroads where companies have to be agile and ready for rapid change and industry disruption.  Technology is lowering the barrier to entry and changing the competitive landscape.  

Time is money

Meicor hits the ground running.  We bring long-term sustainable improved efficiency and productiveness of your business almost immediately.

There is no waiting time for training or getting up to speed.  We also utilize existing resources which have been developed over time saving even more time and money.

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