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Do This Every Day – Mindful

Do This Every Day - Mindful

February 3, 2021

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Start Your Day Off Right – Mindful and Optimistic

Start Your Day with This Simple Practice

It can be difficult to collect the optimistic mindset that drives optimism and innovation almost a year after the pandemic. Burnout and exhaustion will easily follow when we lose the positivity. How can some hope be injected into your day? 
This two-minute workout could help. Before you get moving, finish the following three sentences each morning (either on paper, out loud, or even in your head).  Try doing this before you turn on your device, or start your commute:
Today, I will focus on _____.
Today, I am grateful for _____.
Today, I will let go of _____.
Make sure your responses are specific; writing that you’re grateful to your mom every day will not help. In the end, we are just up every day for an average of 1,000 minutes. If only two of them can be spent to prime our brains for positivity, then we can help guarantee another 989 minutes of quality time.

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